
bgp.tools August 2024 Changelog

Welcome back to another month of changes, this month has mostly been spent on the new monitoring feature below! So, allow me to introduce:

BGP Flapping / Churn detection

Not all routing incidents show up as visibility changes or new upstreams. Some incidents are more publicly visible as large “storms” of BGP route updates.

Worry no more, bgp.tools can now alert and graph these types of issues. You can currently configure alerts for when a prefix is generating a lot (compared to an automatically managed average baseline rate) of updates.

You can also observe the update rate on the graphing feature, For example, per prefix:

You can also look at it per Upstream/Downstream, possibly helping you debug a faulty upstream or a BGP customer who is having issues.

Prefix counts on AS-SET pages

If you had searched for an AS-SET until now, it would have only displayed the “size” of the As-SET when enumerated in ASNs, this was not massively useful. This is now improved so that you can see the total size in prefixes, and also what each individual member of the AS-SET is. This can help you debug why an AS-SET has become very bloated!

Small fixes/changes

  1. Clean up final references about AS1239 (Sprint) being a T1 after being bought by Cogent and moved behind AS174
  2. NAT64 addresses are now automatically translated in the search bar to their IPv4 counterparts
  3. The Mikrotik icon has been modernised
  4. Fixed some SSH clients getting mistaken for iTerm2 and blasted with base64 garbage instead of sponsor logos