JMP Technology Services GmbH
AS Number 61423
Known BGP communities for AS61423
Community | Description | |
61423:666 | Blackhole route | |
65000:0 | no export to any | |
65001:0 | prepend 1 to anyone | |
65002:0 | prepend 2 to anyone | |
65003:0 | prepend 3 to anyone | |
65004:0 | prepend 4 to anyone | |
65000:1112 | no export to any customer | |
65000:1113 | no export to any IXP | |
65000:1114 | no export to any PNI | |
65000:1115 | no export to any transit | |
65000:1251 | no export in Europe | |
65000:1261 | no export in Switzerland - CH | |
65000:1262 | no export in Germany - DE | |
65000:1263 | no export in Austria - AT | |
65000:1271 | no export in Zug - CH | |
65000:1272 | no export in Zurich - CH | |
65000:1273 | no export in Frankfurt - DE | |
65000:1274 | no export in Vienna - AT | |
65000:1275 | no export in Klagenfurt - AT | |
65000:1311 | no export to IXP SwissIX | |
65000:1312 | no export to IXP VIX | |
65000:1313 | no export to DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
65000:1314 | no export to IXP AAIX | |
65000:1333 | no export to transit Arelion in Vienna - AT | |
65000:1339 | no export to transit Colt in Vienna - AT | |
65000:1336 | no export to transit Lumen in Vienna - AT | |
65000:1331 | no export to transit Arelion in Zurich - CH | |
65000:1337 | no export to transit Colt in Zurich - CH | |
65000:1334 | no export to transit Lumen in Zurich - CH | |
65000:1332 | no export to transit Arelion in Frankfurt - DE | |
65000:1338 | no export to transit Colt in Frankfurt - DE | |
65000:1335 | no export to transit Lumen in Frankfurt - DE | |
65001:1112 | prepend 1 to any customer | |
65001:1113 | prepend 1 to any IXP | |
65001:1115 | prepend 1 to any transit | |
65001:1251 | prepend 1 to anyone in Europe | |
65001:1271 | prepend 1 to anyone in Zug - CH | |
65001:1272 | prepend 1 to anyone in Zurich - CH | |
65001:1273 | prepend 1 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65001:1274 | prepend 1 to anyone in Vienna - AT | |
65001:1275 | prepend 1 to anyone in Klagenfurt - AT | |
65001:1261 | prepend 1 to anyone in Switzerland - CH | |
65001:1262 | prepend 1 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65001:1263 | prepend 1 to anyone in Austria - AT | |
65001:1311 | prepend 1 to IXP SwissIX | |
65001:1312 | prepend 1 to IXP VIX | |
65001:1313 | prepend 1 to IXP DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
65001:1314 | prepend 1 to IXP AAIX | |
65002:1112 | prepend 2 to any customer | |
65002:1113 | prepend 2 to any IXP | |
65002:1115 | prepend 2 to any transit | |
65002:1251 | prepend 2 to anyone in Europe | |
65002:1271 | prepend 2 to anyone in Zug - CH | |
65002:1272 | prepend 2 to anyone in Zurich - CH | |
65002:1273 | prepend 2 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65002:1274 | prepend 2 to anyone in Vienna - AT | |
65002:1275 | prepend 2 to anyone in Klagenfurt - AT | |
65002:1261 | prepend 2 to anyone in Switzerland - CH | |
65002:1262 | prepend 2 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65002:1263 | prepend 2 to anyone in Austria - AT | |
65002:1311 | prepend 2 to IXP SwissIX | |
65002:1312 | prepend 2 to IXP VIX | |
65002:1313 | prepend 2 to IXP DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
65002:1314 | prepend 2 to IXP AAIX | |
65003:1112 | prepend 3 to any customer | |
65003:1113 | prepend 3 to any IXP | |
65003:1115 | prepend 3 to any transit | |
65003:1251 | prepend 3 to anyone in Europe | |
65003:1271 | prepend 3 to anyone in Zug - CH | |
65003:1272 | prepend 3 to anyone in Zurich - CH | |
65003:1273 | prepend 3 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65003:1274 | prepend 3 to anyone in Vienna - AT | |
65003:1275 | prepend 3 to anyone in Klagenfurt - AT | |
65003:1261 | prepend 3 to anyone in Switzerland - CH | |
65003:1262 | prepend 3 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65003:1263 | prepend 3 to anyone in Austria - AT | |
65003:1311 | prepend 3 to IXP SwissIX | |
65003:1312 | prepend 3 to IXP VIX | |
65003:1313 | prepend 3 to IXP DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
65003:1314 | prepend 3 to IXP AAIX | |
65004:1112 | prepend 4 to any customer | |
65004:1113 | prepend 4 to any IXP | |
65004:1115 | prepend 4 to any transit | |
65004:1251 | prepend 4 to anyone in Europe | |
65004:1271 | prepend 4 to anyone in Zug - CH | |
65004:1272 | prepend 4 to anyone in Zurich - CH | |
65004:1273 | prepend 4 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65004:1274 | prepend 4 to anyone in Vienna - AT | |
65004:1275 | prepend 4 to anyone in Klagenfurt - AT | |
65004:1261 | prepend 4 to anyone in Switzerland - CH | |
65004:1262 | prepend 4 to anyone in Frankfurt - DE | |
65004:1263 | prepend 4 to anyone in Austria - AT | |
65004:1311 | prepend 4 to IXP SwissIX | |
65004:1312 | prepend 4 to IXP VIX | |
65004:1313 | prepend 4 to IXP DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
65004:1314 | prepend 4 to IXP AAIX | |
65001:1333 | prepend 1 to transit Arelion in Vienna - AT | |
65001:1339 | prepend 1 to transit Colt in Vienna - AT | |
65001:1336 | prepend 1 to transit Lumen in Vienna - AT | |
65001:1331 | prepend 1 to transit Arelion in Zurich - CH | |
65001:1337 | prepend 1 to transit Colt in Zurich - CH | |
65001:1334 | prepend 1 to transit Lumen in Zurich - CH | |
65001:1332 | prepend 1 to transit Arelion in Frankfurt - DE | |
65001:1338 | prepend 1 to transit Colt in Frankfurt - DE | |
65001:1335 | prepend 1 to transit Lumen in Frankfurt - DE | |
65105:1 | change MED to 1 | |
65105:5 | change MED to 5 | |
65105:10 | change MED to 10 | |
65105:15 | change MED to 15 | |
65105:20 | change MED to 20 | |
65105:50 | change local-preference to 50 | |
65105:75 | change local-preference to 75 | |
65105:100 | change local-preference to 100 | |
65105:125 | change local-preference to 125 | |
65105:150 | change local-preference to 150 | |
65105:175 | change local-preference to 175 | |
61423:1101 | RPKI valid | |
61423:1102 | RPKI invalid | |
61423:1103 | RPKI unknown | |
61423:1104 | RPKI not checked | |
61423:1111 | JMP prefix | |
61423:1112 | JMP customer route | |
61423:1113 | JMP IXP peering route | |
61423:1114 | JMP PNI private route | |
61423:1115 | JMP transit route | |
61423:1201 | learned at WWZ DC - Zug ( | |
61423:1202 | learned at AtlasEdge DC - Zurich ( | |
61423:1203 | learned at Interxion ZUR1 - Zurich ( | |
61423:1204 | learned at Interxion FRA15 - Frankfurt ( | |
61423:1205 | learned at Interxion VIE1 - Vienna ( | |
61423:1206 | learned at STW DC - Klagenfurt ( | |
61423:1207 | learned at Kelag DC - Klagenfurt ( | |
61423:1208 | learned at Equinix ZH4 - Zurich ( | |
61423:1251 | learned in Europe | |
61423:1261 | learned in Switzerland | |
61423:1262 | learned in Germany | |
61423:1263 | learned in Austria | |
61423:1271 | learned in Zug - CH | |
61423:1272 | learned in Zurich - CH | |
61423:1273 | learned in Frankfurt - DE | |
61423:1274 | learned in Vienna - AT | |
61423:1275 | learned in Klagenfurt - AT | |
61423:1311 | learned at SwissIX | |
61423:1312 | learned at VIX | |
61423:1313 | learned at DE-CIX Frankfurt | |
61423:1314 | learned at AAIX |
Some of this data was sourced from the project
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