- Registered on
23 May 2002 (22 years old)
- Network status
Active, Allocated under ARIN
- Network type
- Prefixes Originated
- 19 IPv4, 1 IPv6
AS174 - Cogent Communications
AS3257 - GTT Communications Inc.
AS7018 - AT&T Services, Inc.
AS1299 - Arelion (fka. Telia Carrier)
AS33651 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
AS7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
AS57344 - Telehouse EAD
AS33667 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Locations of Operation
United States
Prefixes Originated
19 IPv4, 1 IPv6
Addresses Originated
22 /24's of IPv4
1 /48's of IPv6